Wednesday, August 26, 2015

One Liner Wednesday #1linerWeds Everywhere Can Be A Brave New World

Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.

Last week, my daughter and I hopped in the car and drove over seven hours (with DC traffic it was more like 10 hours) to North Carolina.  You see my daughter is starting her senior year in high school so the Holloways are in “find a university mode” at the moment.  My daughter is interested in applied mathematics and where all schools offer mathematics programs, not all offer applied.  Elon University in North Carolina is one that does.  Never heard of the university or the town name?  Me either but Elon is near Burlington and Durham.  It s a small town but very picturesque and the university is new looking and gorgeous.

My One Line Wednesday is about how even in the same country you can encounter a vast array of differences.

toto-i-have-a-feeling-we-re-not-in-kansas-anymore-toto-the-wizard-of-oz-25001749-500-311Now driving in a different state is not like getting used to driving on the other side of the road like in England.  My husband did that driving when we visited Wales and London last year.  What I had to get used to in North Carolina was the intersections.  In New Jersey except for very major roads, if you wish to turn right, there is one lane for doing so and you either can or can’t turn right on red.  In North Carolina, intersections of many roads regardless how major have two lanes for whether you are turning right or left.  If you need to be in the inside right lane (the voice from GPS demanded it), you are still expected to turn right on a red light.  I found my self sitting waiting for the light to change while drivers behind me must have thought I was a crazy woman driver.  Look at the license plate mister.  It explains why I’m waiting.  It was very strange even though I’ve lived my entire life in the congested Garden State (New Jersey).  For this, my one line Wednesday is a homage to Dorothy’s famous line.


Submitted for One Liner Wednesday

Each Wednesday, hosts this fun prompt.  Here are the rules:

1. Make it one sentence.

2. Make it either funny or inspirational.

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