Sunday, May 3, 2015

My Reflections on the @AtoZChallenge 2015

It seems like just yesterday I was writing my Great and Powerful Blog Reveal post and now this year’s challenge is over.  This was my second year in the challenge and I have to admit, I enjoyed it more the second time around.  I think my history theme last year was too broad and by narrowing it to the Second World War this year, it felt like it really was a theme.  All twenty-six posts truly complimented each other.  I was so caught up in my theme that I couldn’t stop with just twenty-six.  I wrote some A to Z Extras.  All my posts including the Extras are available on my A to Z Challenge page.
I enjoyed having new people visit my blog and I found many new blogs to follow through the challenge.  Thank you to anyone that visited and if you are here to stay, I welcome you.  I know that I will continue to read many of the new blogs I found during the challenge.
The only part about participating in the challenge that was a challenge for me was the process to follow blogs on other platforms.  My blog is on and when I follow another blog, the posts of those I follow feed directly into my reader.  For other platforms such as Blogger, I would have to follow via email.  I don’t want to deal with email notifications but then there was a post on the Blogging from A to Z website that I found via twitter about simulcasting your blog onto Blogger using IFTTT.  It was touch and go for a while but now everything I post on automatically posts to a blogger page that I set up just for that purpose.  Now I can go to my blogger account and set blogs to come into my reading list and I don’t have to make any effort to maintain the second blog.  Here is my blogger page
I have to say that I love IFTTT.  It really is the greatest thing since sliced bread.  If you want to know what I am talking about, here is a link to the article and a link to IFTTT.
So as I reflect on my experience this year in the A to Z April Challenge, I found some interesting blogs to read, found new people to connect with through blogging and learned a very powerful website tool.  I have to say it was a success.


  1. I have the same problem, as I'm on Blogger and during the challenge I had about 70 emails daily from people that I follow (who aren't on Blogger). Now, is there a way for you to set up a Blogger widget so that I can follow you that way?
    (I already followed you via Google +.)

  2. I don't think I understand. This is my blogger site where your comment is posted. Whenever I post to, my posts simulcast here so you should be able to see this in your blogger reading list if you follow it.
